niedziela, 7 października 2012

The sleep of reason produces monsters

In my blog I will write also about my favourite and inspiring artworks.

One of my favourite work is The sleep of reason produces monsters made by Francisco de Goya.

I like this dark and surreal drawing a lot. 

Some time ago, this drawing became my inspiration to draw a new picture for deviantart contest. I didn't win anythig that time, but  my version of The sleep of reason produces monsters for me is one of my most appreciated pictures .

Definitely more colorful :p but my inspiration is clearly seen.

After drawing this I had another idea connected with two pictures above.

The title is: Dream and nightmare

I think that the title explains the meaning quite good.

After this picture I had a thought that dual picture for my The sleep of reason... shouldn't be a drawing of another artist, but my own picture.

Here I was also inspired a lot of another famous artwork, which I like so much. My version is not as good as Salvador Dali work, my is suitable rather for comics than museums, anyway, hope you enjoy :)

My inspiration: Methamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali

Comparing to the masters I still need practise and more inventive ideas ^^

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